Thursday, 21 November 2013

@Alan Finished animatic

I think this must be the 5th animatic , hopefully this one the transitions will be right.

1 comment:

  1. Ok great, much better and with the potential to be even better using after effects / rendered elements. However, a couple of corrections (simple fixes)...

    'Legs' transition - This looks a little strange (floating cutoff legs?). Is it possible to change the sequence transition to the legs first and then move up to the arm instead of 'arm - legs - arm?' That way you could have a whole character and just 'move' up his body too the arm shot.

    'Flipping' transition - between the radio and broom dancing scene. This transition needs 'texture'. Its a single one element flip at the moment.

    Record transition - if you're not already planning too, scale a circle out from the radio to create the record.
