Tuesday, 29 October 2013

@ Alan- Animatic with sound

Here is our finished animatic with sound.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    Ok, I think as an 'overall' theme animatic it works. Meaning that we now know its about the conception on an idea and its travelling from the present to the past. However, there is still some refinement / exploration to be done around the transitions. It seems to me that there is a mixed logic in your film...there is editing / cutting and moving transitions. I think you need to pick one method. Seeing as this about transitioning through time I would suggest going with the transitions as your method and then fixing some rules creative rules...

    1) 'No zooming of the camera' - Keep the camera fixed and 'transition' to the next scene. Be creative and let the objects / shapes do the work.
    2) 'Use movement (translation, scale, and rotation') to build each scene, like your Winston Churchill scene transition.

    Note - Think Super Furry Animals video or the Desperate Housewive intro. Stick to one method and explore it.

    Finally, I think you need one more scene at the end focusing on the invention only (a wax recording machine not a gramophone - earliest form) whilst we hear the 'Mary had a little Lamb'...then the echo's and then the fade. If you start your piece inside the ipod screen (white space / bright light) and end on a bright light white space it would make more sense...device to device. Also...

    Ipod white space = future (who knows whats coming next)
    Idea white space = Nothing before this point.

    If confused come and see me
